Elisabeth von Berrinberg - The City in Flames

Elisabeth von Berrinberg, geboren in Würzburg und 1955 in die USA ausgewandert, berichtet in "The City in Flames" über ihre Kindheit in Würzburg. Unter anderem auch die furchtbare Nacht am 16. März, als Würzburg in Flammen stand.

Das Buch ist auf Englisch verfasst. Eine Besprechung von Roland Flade erschien am 13.03.2014 in der Main-Post und kann hier online nachgelesen werden.

Klappentext  "The City in Flames":

Everyday life in a world gone up in flames.

From the moment Germany ignited World War II, life changed radically for young Elisabeth, her family, and other residents of Wurzburg. When a fire-bombing near the war's end destroyed most of the city, earlier hardships turned into a desperate struggle for survival as the family took shelter in a cabin outside of town.

Through it all, Elisabeth found moments of humor and compassion, from a bungled midnight attempt to milk a neighbor's goat and a Russian POW risking his life to save her family to communion dresses sewn from the only material on hand--a dead soldier's parachute--and the baker who rewarded Elisabeth's mother's confession about stealing a loaf of his bread by giving her another. Together, the stories captured in this memoir provide a gripping picture of everyday life in a world gone up in flames.

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